Duncan Bannatyne: Facebook and Twitter can improve Customer Service...

As social media takes off, many employers have seen the customer service potential of social-networking websites, writes Duncan Bannatyne in the Telegraph.

Some of you will know that I am a prolific Tweeter. I have a following of nearly 40,000 on Twitter and communicate with them regularly. Most of the time it's purely for fun but I also use the service to publicise charity projects and offer advice to young entrepreneurs.

As social media becomes increasingly popular, many employers have recognised the potential of using Twitter, Facebook and similar platforms to enhance the smooth running of their businesses, especially as an extension of customer service.

The ability to reach millions of people instantly and reduce waste at the same time can be a powerful combination for any company, but the key is how you use social media.

Having thousands of followers on Twitter or friends on Facebook is worthless for employers if you're only sharing the occasional comment or rubbish joke. On the other hand, regular and relevant information can enhance communication with customers and staff, saving businesses time and improving relationships in the process.

We use Twitter at Bannatyne's to communicate with customers, inform them of special offers, competitions, and even deal with the occasional complaint.

A few weeks ago we put a post on Twitter launching a competition to win a Bannatyne Universe Voucher, which can be used in our health clubs, spas or hotels. The question was simply: "Exactly where will I be having lunch today?' The response immediate. The winner was announced five minutes later.

That sort of real-time, two-way communication with customers is priceless and very different in nature from traditional "push" marketing email efforts. I think more businesses will use social networking rather than email as their preferred method of communication in the future – for interaction with staff and customers.

There are many staff issues that can be discussed in a public forum, and encouraging internal debate and interaction is positive for morale. Employers could create a Facebook group as a place to discuss office issues and allow all employees the chance to give their own views; none of the ideas proposed has to be implemented but the discussion itself is positive and there is the prospect of improvements to business.

If and when you are faced with a complaint, access and speed of response are vital. Too often customers are forced to wait on hold for ages as they try to speak to a human on a generic phone number.

Now big corporate companies like Vodafone and Virgin Media have started using social networking as a key part of their customer service; their Twitter feeds are dedicated to resolving technical problems as soon as possible.

Similarly, Bannatyne's customers can interact with staff on Twitter, but I also make a point of posting my own name and address on notice boards in my health clubs, so customers can contact me directly. If a customer complains to me, I get it sorted, and the same principle of easy access should apply to all businesses.

One of the greatest and continual challenges facing business leaders is to optimise their customer care and make sure they know what their customers want. Increasingly, people are craving quick information and immediate interaction; and social media, when used properly, can improve communication and extend a personal touch.

by Duncan Bannatyne
Duncan Bannatyne is the founder and chairman of Bannatyne Fitness and author of bestselling books Anyone Can Do It and Wake Up and Change Your Life.
